§ MR. BRYCE (Aberdeen, S.)asked the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Whether any negotiations for the ratification by the Sultan of the Convention relating to Egypt are now proceeding, or likely to be shortly resumed; and, whether, if no such negotiations are to be resumed, it is intended that the ratification of the Convention already given on Her Majesty's part shall be withdrawn?
§ THE UNDER SECRETARY OF STATE (Sir JAMES FERGUSSON) (Manchester, N.E.)No such negotiations are now proceeding, or likely to be shortly renewed. The ratification of the Queen has not been given by Sir Henry Drummond Wolff, and therefore cannot be withdrawn.
§ SIR GEORGE CAMPBELL (Kirkcaldy, &c.)asked, whether on the return of Sir Henry Drummond Wolff from Constantinople, his functions would come to an end?
§ SIR JAMES FERGUSSONI think that naturally follows on the Mission being withdrawn.
§ SIR JAMES FERGUSSONThe ratification was signed by Her Majesty; but not having been exchanged, it is of no effect, by a well-known principle of International Law. There are fully 30 instances in the last 50 years of Treaties which had been signed; but, the ratifications not having been exchanged, have fallen to the ground.