HC Deb 19 July 1887 vol 317 c1347
MR. W. J. CORBET (Wicklow, E.)

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, What is the result of his inquiries into the alleged ill-treatment of a lunatic in Stafford Gaol; and, whether the Lunacy Commissioners have taken any action in the case?


I have received a Report from the Prisons Commissioners of the inquiry which has recently been held at Stafford Gaol, and which was conducted by the Visiting Committee, assisted by an Inspector. The inquiry, as a whole, is not yet complete; but it appears from the Report to be clear that the injuries which were found upon the man were self-inflicted; that no violence was done to him by the prisoners with whom he was placed; and, generally, that the amount of the injuries has been much exaggerated. Further investigation will be made as to whether all was done that should have been done to prevent the prisoner from injuring himself. At the same time, there is no doubt but that the magistrates committed an error of judgment in sending him to Stafford Gaol, for his mental condition showed that he should have been removed at once to an asylum.