HC Deb 29 August 1887 vol 320 cc273-4
SIR HENRY TYLER (Great Yarmouth)

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies, Whether he has now received from the Marquess of Lansdowne the information for which he had telegraphed on the subject of the Manitoba Railway from Winnipeg to the frontier, and the action of the Dominion Government in relation to that railway?


I think that the best answer I can give the hon. Member will be to read a telegram which I received from the Marquess of Lansdowne on Friday evening. It is as follows:— Your telegram of the 24th. Have ascertained that the statement is a pure fabrication. That refers to the words alleged to have been uttered by Sir John Macdonald. Provincial Act for construction of Red River Valley Railway was disallowed by me on the advice of my responsible advisers, on ground that line would tap traffic of the Canadian Pacific Railway not yet fully established or developed, and thereby seriously injure commercial interests of the whole country, which has submitted to largo sacrifices in order to unite the Provinces by national road. This question was discussed at great length by the new Parliament in May of this year, and Government policy supported by large majority. Provincial Government is proceeding with the line under Public Works Act. Injunction has been obtained in interests of the Canadian Pacific Railway; but my Government has not interfered except by disallowance. Despatch follows by mail.

MR. T. M. HEALY (Longford, N.)

Does the statement that the Report of Sir John Macdonald's remarks is a fabrication, extend to the report that Winnipeg was to be the place of concentration of the Imperial forces?


I have never heard of that last statement; but I am just now assured by my right hon. Friend the Secretary of State for War that it is a pure fabrication.