§ MR. SEXTON (Belfast, W., and Sligo, S.)asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, What measures have been resolved upon for the increase and redistribution of the Constabulary force in Belfast; and, who is to command the force?
§ THE CHIEF SECRETARY (Sir MICHAEL HICKS-BEACH) (Bristol, W.)An extra Constabulary force of 400 men remains for the present at Belfast in aid of the local force. A portion will be concentrated as a reserve in a central part of the town. The remainder will be allocated to the several Constabulary barracks. Six houses have been taken 1727 by the Government for additional barracks in different localities. The force is under the command of MR. Cullen, Assistant Inspector General, and D.M.
§ MR. ARTHUR O'CONNOR (Donegal, E.)asked if it was intended to submit a Supplementary Estimate for the six houses?
§ SIR MICHAEL HICKS-BEACHNo; the houses are taken at a rent as additional barracks.
§ MR. SEXTONasked whether, in view of the fact that during the riots attacks had been made on the navvies returning from we at the Alexandra Dock by the Island men, the right hon. Gentleman would consider the suggestion he (MR. Sexton) made some time ago to the effect that a permanent police station should be placed in that quarter of the town?
§ SIR MICHAEL HICKS-BEACHThat will have to be considered in connection with the permanent arrangements that will have to be made. The arrangements I have mentioned are, of course, only temporary.