HC Deb 09 September 1886 vol 308 cc1725-6
MR. SEXTON (Belfast, W., and Sligo, S.)

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, What report is made by the Constabulary authorities in Belfast as to the extent to which Catholic workpeople in that town, who lost their employment during the recent riots, have now been restored to it; and, what measures have been adopted by the employers to keep order in their establishments?

MR. T. W. RUSSELL (Tyrone, S.)

asked whether the Constabulary Report referred to the number of Protestants who also had to leave their employment during the periods covered by the late riots in Belfast?


I have no information on the subject of the Protestant workmen, and generally speaking it is impossible for me to give the hon. Gentleman any definite reply upon a matter which is really not under the power of the authorities at all. So far as we are aware—for the matter is not within the official knowledge of the police—in most instances where Catholic workers left their employment during the recent disturbances they have now returned, and things are going on as before the riots. It there are any exceptions to this rule it may confidently be hoped that they will not continue long. I understand that the employers in most of the establishments discharge or threaten with dismissal any persons in their employment who interfere with their fellow-workers.


asked if that applied to the case of the Mayor of Belfast?


I cannot answer that.