HC Deb 03 June 1886 vol 306 c829

asked the honourable Member for North West Staffordshire, If it is the case that the Consulting Surveyor of Her Majesty's Office of Works has resigned his appointment; and, if so, whether it is now intended to appoint some practical architect and engineer who will devote his whole time to the duties of the office, and not a gentleman engaged in private practice, who would be able to devote only a very limited time to the Service?

MR. LEVESON GOWER (A LORD of the TREASURY) (Stafford, N. W.)

It is true that Sir Henry Hunt has been compelled by ill-health to resign the appointment of Consulting Surveyor to the Office of Works, the duties of which he has for so long performed with conspicuous ability. The First Commissioner is in communication with the Treasury as to the appointment of his successor, and it is premature to make any announcement on the subject.