HC Deb 31 March 1885 vol 296 cc1146-7

Order read, for resuming Adjourned Debate on Question, "That this House, at its rising, do adjourn till Thursday the 9th of April."—(The Marquess of Hartington.)

Question again proposed.

Debate resumed.


continued his remarks, and urged that the Admiralty ought to protect the fishermen and fisheries of the Irish Coasts from the depredations of French fishermen by providing gunboats for the purpose. The French boats came close to the shore, drove away the smaller boats of the Irish fishermen, and took the fish that would otherwise be taken by the Irish boats. Turning to another subject, he felt bound to complain that the Notice of Motion for the appointment of the Select Committee on Irish Industries had disappeared from the Notice Paper, and was not on the Paper for the Evening Sitting. The question was one of material consequence, and it was very hard that it should be treated in such a manner by the Government. The Irish Members and the hon. Baronet (Sir Eardley Wilmot), to whom the Irish people were grateful for moving in the matter, received letters daily from all parts of Ireland on the subject. He also wished to know whether some system could not be adopted under which the cost of the repair of the Irish National schools might not be paid out of the State funds, instead of being cast upon the different localities?