HC Deb 27 March 1885 vol 296 c824

asked the Postmaster General, Whether he has received from certain inhabitants of Mount Temple, county Westmeath, a memorial with regard to the recent change in the position of the post office there; whether it be a fact, as stated in the memorial, that this change subjects the public to inconvenience; and, if he has any objection to state on whose representation the change was made, and for what reasons?


No Memorial has been received from inhabitants of Mount Temple, Co. Westmeath, with regard to the recent removal of the post office there. The sub-postmistress, being obliged to take another house, applied for and obtained permission to remove the office to a new house, which is more conveniently situated than the old one; and I understand that in point of accommodation for the public the new office is in every respect satisfactory.