HC Deb 19 March 1885 vol 295 c1696

asked the Secretary of State for War, Whether his attention has been called to a statement in The Morning Post of March 17th, as to the treatment of Methuen's Horse; whether it is the fact that the trooper's pay only accrued from date of landing in South Africa and not from that of embarkation; what explanation he can give of the alleged shortness of rations; and, whether he will undertake that British troops on active service shall not be put in the position of having to buy food out of their own pockets to supplement insufficient Government supplies?


I have seen the paragraph, in question. As regards pay, I would draw attention to a reply I made on the 20th November to the hon. Member for the Kirkcaldy Burghs (Sir George Campbell), to the effect that the Irregular Force for service in Bechuanaland would be raised in South Africa, and that the journeys thither of young men desirous of there enlisting would be facilitated. Of course, pay would only commence from the date of enlistment. The ration authorized for Bechuanaland is a very ample one, and no complaint has been received of any failure in issuing it.

In reply to further Questions,


said, he was not aware that the men were drilled while on board ship. He would cause inquiries to be made as to the alleged deficiency of rations.