HC Deb 13 March 1885 vol 295 cc1082-3

asked the Postmaster General, Whether it is true that the Dublin Post Office authorities sent an official to Mr. E. Byrne, sub-postmaster of Craanford, to threaten him with dismissal if he did not prevent National League meetings being held in the same house as the post office; whether Mr. Byrne was obliged to sign an agreement that he would not allow such meetings to be held; and, whether such action upon the part of the Dublin authorities is approved?


I stated a few nights ago that the Postmaster of Craanford was not threatened with dismissal; but that he was informed that the Post Office authorities disapproved of political meetings being held in the same house as the post office. He was asked to sign a paper to the effect that he would not again allow the meetings to be held in the same house, and I am informed that he agreed to that course. I approve of the action of the Dublin authorities in the matter.


With reference to this Question I am glad the right hon. Gentleman's answer to-day admits what he did not admit in his previous answer a few days ago. ["Order!"] I beg to give Notice, inasmuch as this Question has created considerable interest amongst the inhabitants of this district, that I will call attention to the fact that Mr. Byrne was not transgressing the rule which says that no political meetings shall be held in the same house as the post office. [Cries of "Order!"] I am giving Notice of a Question.


The hon. Member, under cover of giving Notice of a Question, is now arguing.


I beg to ask the Postmaster General—with reference to the last part of the Question of the hon. Member for "Wexford, to which he replied that he approved of the action of the Dublin authorities—who are the Dublin authorities whose action he approved of; and whether a secretary has been appointed to the Dublin Post Office, and, if not, when a secretary will be appointed?


Of course, the hon. Member will give Notice of the Question.