HC Deb 27 April 1885 vol 297 c821

asked the First Lord of the Treasury, Whether he will name a day upon which he will enable me to move my proposed Resolution expressive of the anxiety of this House respecting the state of the Navy?


I think that my hon. Friend, notwithstanding that he has put this Question on the Paper, will not be surprised if I tell him that I have no such power. At the present time it is entirely beyond my power to name a day for such a purpose in the present state of the engagements of the House. The Navy is largely involved in the debates we have had for two nights, and is also largely involved in the important proposal which will come before the House to-night. After that proposal is disposed of, if my hon. Friend should still think it important, when we come to make our arrangements with regard to the Business of the Session—and the time for that, I hope, is very close at hand—it will be quite open to him to renew the Question.


gave Notice that he would renew his Question after the Vote of Credit.