§ SIR H. DRUMMOND WOLFFasked the Civil Lord of the Admiralty, Whether 244 the Board have taken any steps with respect to the Report of the Committee, presided over by Lord Ravens-worth, on the Building of Ships in Dockyards or Private Establishments; and, whether he can state to the House what course the Government intend to pursue in this matter?
§ SIR THOMAS BRASSEYThe Report of the Committee on the building and repair of Her Majesty's ships will be in the hands of hon. Members immediately. A Departmental Committee was appointed to advise as to the practical steps to be taken, and their Report has only been received this day. It must require careful consideration; and I can only say in the meanwhile, on behalf of the Admiralty, that we are grateful to Lord Ravensworth and his Colleagues for their labours and their suggestions.