HC Deb 21 November 1884 vol 294 cc135-6

asked the Secretary to the Treasury, Whether he can state when he first received any intimation that Sir W. Brampton Gurdon had been announced as a candidate for West Norfolk at the next Election?


in reply, said, he could not find that he had any written communication on the subject; any information that he had received on the subject was verbal; and as he received verbal communications of a similar nature almost every day he could not fix a time. The first time his attention was publicly called to the matter was when a Question was put by the hon. Member for Preston.


asked, whether it was not a fact that the announcement was made in the Lynn paper on the 24th of May last, and in the London papers of about the same date, that Sir William Gurdon was to be the Whig-Radical candidate for West Norfolk; and, whether it was not also the fact that on the 12th of June Sir William Gurdon addressed the electors at Swaffham accepting that candidature?


I am sorry to say that I have not the pleasure of reading the Lynn papers, and my attention was not called to it in any other way.