§ MR. CARBUTTasked the Secretary to the Admiralty, Whether the report in The Times of to-day was correct, that one of the guns of the Active had had the muzzle blown off; whether this accident was due to the defective system of rifling; and, whether that unmechanical system of rifling was the same as in the new 43 and 100-ton guns which were sent away from the manufactory without one of the guns being properly tested?
§ SIR THOMAS BRASSEYsaid, that the official Report was to the effect that, while firing yesterday from one of the 6-inch breech-loading guns of the Active, the gun broke at about five feet from the muzzle. A preliminary investigation had been arranged to take place to-morrow at Portsmouth. It would be premature at present to assign any cause for this accident. He was happy to say that nobody had been injured.
§ MR. CARBUTTinquired if the rifling were the same as the system adopted in the new guns that had been made?
§ SIR THOMAS BRASSEYsaid, that he could not answer technical Questions without Notice.
§ MR. STUART-WORTLEYasked if this particular gun was manufactured at the Royal Gun Factory, Woolwich?
§ SIR THOMAS BRASSEYThat, I think, was not the case.