LORD HENRY LENNOXasked the Secretary to the Admiralty, Whether 1220 H.M.S. Collingwood (Admiral Class) has been fitted with 43-ton breech-loading guns; and, if so, whether the intention of the Admiralty, as expressed by his two Predecessors, Mr. Trevelyan and Mr. Campbell-Bannerman, that the Admiral Class should be armed with 63-ton breech-loading guns has been altered; whether there are any, and, if so, how many 63-ton and 100-ton breech-loading guns have been manufactured and successfully tested; and, whether the 43-ton breech-loading guns now in the service are fitted with effective breech-loading arrangements; and, if not, at what date they may be supplied?
§ SIR THOMAS BRASSEYThe Collingwood was designed for, and has been fitted with, 43-ton guns. The decision to fit 63-ton guns in the later ships of the Admiral class, which were the ships referred to by my right hon. and hon. Friends, has been adhered to, except in the case of the Benbow, which is to have 110-ton guns. There are five 63-ton guns and three 110-ton guns under manufacture, but not yet sufficiently advanced for trial. The 43-ton breech-loading guns now in the Service have been fitted satisfactorily with the exception of the breech screw mechanism, which, after several modifications, has now been completed. As has already been stated in reply to my right hon. Friend the Member for Westminster (Mr. W. H. Smith), the 43-ton guns for the Conqueror will be ready in four months and those for the Colossus in five months from the present time.