HC Deb 07 November 1884 vol 293 cc1220-1

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether his attention has been called to the following paragraph in The Freeman's Journal of Wednesday 5th November:— Intelligence reached Longford yesterday that a large force of police had evicted three tenants in the parish of Carrickedmond. The tenants are—Edward M'Grath, Lisnacreeva, 6 acres of land, large family, and wife bedridden; Michael Macatee, a wife and nine small children, with 7 acres of poor land in the Doory Hall estate; and the Widow Macatee, of the same place; the unfortunate tenants, we understand, have no prospect before them but to go into the workhouse; and, whether the Executive will under- take to see that proper steps are taken for the shelter and protection of the evicted persons?


I have seen the newspaper paragraph referred to, but I cannot say how far it may be accurate, as the hon. Member has not given me sufficient time to make inquiries. With regard, however, to the suggestion contained in the last paragraph of the Question, I may point out that the law provides the manner in which relief may be given to the evicted poor, and does not place the responsibility upon the Executive.