§ SIR GEORGE CAMPBELLasked Mr. Attorney General, If it is true that the Departmental Committee which has for some months been engaged on the question of the Public Prosecutor, has adjourned to next winter without coming to any conclusion or making any Report?
§ THE ATTORNEY GENERAL (Sir HENRY JAMES), in reply, said, it was perfectly true that the Departmental Committee referred to had concluded its labours and made no Report. The fact was that there were Members of that Committee who had little time at their disposal, and the Committee could not meet more than once a-week. The Committee had sat after the time when Parliament was usually prorogued, and that had been found inconvenient, especially to non-official Members. They felt that any recommendation that could be made and laid before Parliament could not be acted on till next Session; and he was sure it was an advantageous course to postpone the consideration of their Report.