§ Leave to Committee to make a Special Report:—
§ SIR JOHN R. MOWBRAYaccordingly reported from the Committee of Selection, That they had added the following Fifteen Members to the Standing Committee on Law, and Courts of Justice, and Legal Procedure, in respect of the Criminal Code (Indictable Offences Procedure) Bill:—Mr. Buszard, Dr. Commins, Baron de Worms, Mr. Arthur 437 Elliot, Mr. Freshfield, Mr. Carpenter Gamier, Mr. Morgan Lloyd, Mr. Macartney, Mr. Patrick Martin, Mr. Mellor, Mr. Reid, Mr. Sellar, Mr. Warton, Mr. Willis, Sir John Eardley Wilmot.
§ SIR JOHN R. MOWBRAYfurther reported, That they had added the following Fifteen Members to the Standing Committee on Trade, Shipping, and Manufactures, in respect of the Patents for Inventions Bill:—Mr. Arthur Arnold, Mr. James Campbell, Mr. Car-butt, Mr. Coope, Mr. Cotton, Mr. Ewart, Sir Daniel Gooch, Mr. Molloy, Mr. Nicholson (Newark), Mr. Hinde Palmer, Sir Edward Reed, Mr. Thorold Rogers, Mr. Bernhard Samuelson, Mr. Shield, and Mr. Stevenson.
§ Report to lie upon the Table.