HC Deb 27 October 1882 vol 274 c282

asked the Secretary to the Admiralty, Whether any further information had been received touching the deaths of Professor Palmer and his Colleagues; whether Mr. Blunt had not offered his services to make inquiries in the matter; and, whether the Government had not declined to accept them? He also wished to ask, whether Professor Palmer's mission was purely to purchase camels, or with a diplomatic object?


, in reply, said, he was sorry to state that no further information had reached the Admiralty, or, he believed, the Foreign Office, with respect to Professor Palmer. As to Mr. Blunt, it was not the case, as the hon. Member had suggested, that the Government had received an offer from him of his services in the matter. With respect to the third part of the hon. Member's Question, as to the object of Professor Palmer's mission, he thought it would be better that Notice should be given by the hon. Member of the Question, in order that he might be certain of the precise facts.