HC Deb 09 November 1882 vol 274 c1127

asked, If the Government intend to act on the recommendation of the Governor of Cyprus, and to construct a harbour at Famagusta, in accordance with one of the plans submitted by Mr. Brown, the Government Engineer, in the Blue Book presented to Parliament; and, if so, which plan will be proceeded with?


The Government have no present intention to construct a harbour at Famagusta. Their views cannot be more shortly stated than by a passage from the Secretary of State's despatch to the Governor on the 22nd of February (page 74 of Blue Book), after the receipt of the plans in question— I do not propose now to discuss these plans in detail, as Cyprus has not the funds for carrying into effect even the most limited of Mr. Brown's proposals; and I do not consider that the circumstances would justify an application to Parliament to supply funds for the construction of a commercial harbour in addition to the heavy annual charge which, in the present financial position of the Island, must he borne by the Imperial Treasury in aid of the local revenue.