HC Deb 26 June 1882 vol 271 cc388-9

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether, on investigation of the charge of drunkenness on patrol, on the 17th March last, against Sub-Constable Mannix, of Loughill, in the county of Limerick, County Inspector Henry found the charge to be substantially true, and whether he, in consequence, reduced to the ranks Constable Egan, who was the constable of said Sub-Constable Mannix on the occasion; whether that finding and order were subsequently set aside by the authorities in Dublin Castle, and upon what grounds; whether Mr. Thomas M'Namara, of Loughill, offered himself as a witness to prove said charge, but was not examined, and why his evidence was refused; whether Sub-Constable Kearney, upon whose report said investigation took place, has been dismissed from the service, and upon what grounds; and, whether any further steps will be taken to order a new investigation, and to examine Mr. M'Namara, and to have justice done to Sub-Constable Kearney?


Sub-Constable Kearney preferred a charge of drunkenness on patrol against Sub-Constable Mannix. The charge was investigated by a Court of Inquiry, who found the sub-constable not guilty, and completely exonerated him. County Inspector Henry had nothing to say to the case. He was not a member of the Court of Inquiry, and he did not make any report or inflict any punishment on Constable Egan in the case. Mr. M'Namara was not examined as a witness. It was known that his evidence was mere hearsay, and he was not even brought forward as a witness by the solicitor for Sub-Constable Kearney, who had preferred the charge. This was the second occasion on which this sub-constable had been found guilty, within a few months, of preferring false and scandalous charges against comrades, and for this he was dismissed. No further steps will be taken to order a new investigation.