HC Deb 16 June 1882 vol 270 cc1403-5

asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether the case in which James M'Govern, Thomas M'Govern, and Owen Maguire, who were arrested on the 7th instant, and charged with being Accessory to a crime punishable by law, that is to say, shooting at and wounding a certain person with intent to murder him, is the one in which an attack was made on one William Trimble, on the 31st ultimo; and, whether he is aware that the prisoners declare they are able to prove their entire innocence of the crime, and if he will give the prisoners an opportunity of proving their innocence?


The grounds stated for the arrest of these men in the warrants under which they are detained will be laid before the House in due course, as provided by the Act, and I cannot give the hon. Member the supplemental information he asks for. I have received a letter from James M'Govern, making the allegation contained in the last paragraph of the Question, and have forwarded it to His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant.


asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether the cases of all suspects from the county Clare have now been reconsidered; and, if so, how many of those suspects His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant has decided to retain for the present in custody?


In reply to this Question, the Lord Lieutenant authorizes me to say that he has been, and still is, considering the cases of all the prisoners arrested in the County Clare, and in any case in which he considers he can do so with safety to the peace of the district he orders the prisoner's release.


asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether he has received testimonials from gentlemen of position in the county, as to the high character borne by Mr. Daniel O'Loughlin, of Lisdoonvarna, late master of the Bally vaughan (county Clare) Workhouse, who, together with Mr. Denis Hogan, of Bally vaughan, was on the 17th ultimo sent to Galway gaol for six months by Mr. Wilfred Lloyd, E.M. under a Statute of Edw. III.; and, whether those prisoners may hope for release or for a mitigation of their punishment?


I have received through the hon. Member testimonials as to the character of Mr. O'Loughlin. In his case, and that of Mr. Denis Hogan, there were appeals to the Queen's Bench, which were dismissed and the committals upheld, and His Excellency has not considered the cases with a view to any mitigation of the sentences.


asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether, having regard to the present peaceful state of the neighbourhood, His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant will withdraw the warrant, if any, against Mr. J. Malone, of Tomgraney, county Clare?


If the hon. Member refers to a warrant under the Protection Act, I can promise him that such warrant will not be executed if Mr. Malone does not commit any further act calling for its execution. Mr. Malone is at present in custody on remand under the ordinary law, charged with writing a threatening letter.


asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether, in view of the high testimony to character, and the recommendations (including that of his employer, Captain O'Callaghan, a magistrate and deputy lieutenant of the county), in the case of Mr. Whelan, of Ballinahinch, County Clare, His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant finds himself in a position to order Mr. Whelan's release?


His Excellency yesterday considered all the facts of this case, and decided that he could not at present order Mr. Whelan's release.


asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, Whether His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant has considered the strong recommendations in favour of Mr. T. M'Kenna, of Ogonelloe, which have been submitted at various times; and, whether His Excellency the Lord Lieutenant is in a position to comply with them, and to order his release?


His Excellency has this day ordered Thomas M'Kenna's release.


asked the Chief Secretary to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, If there is any reason for the continued detention of Mr. John Ladrigan in Kilkenny Gaol, who was arrested at Rock-chapel, county Cork, on the 17th February; and if it is not the fact that his district is quite peaceable; and, if John M'Namara, of Tulla, county Clare, is still confined in Kilmainham Gaol, and if the Lord Lieutenant has re-considered his case?


The case of Mr. John Ladrigan is now under the Lord Lieutenant's consideration. John M'Namara was released on the 8th instant.