§ SIR MATTHEW WHITE RIDLEYasked the noble Lord the Member for Calne, Whether he would state to the House what course he proposed to take with reference to his Amendment for the exemption of £ 100 tenancies from the operation of the Irish Land Bill?
§ LORD EDMOND FITZMAURICESir, I have placed an Amendment on the Paper upon Clause 5, relating to the £100 tenancies, proposing to exempt them from the operation of the Bill. I wished by so doing to show that my own opinion on the subject was unaltered; and I have reason to know that many hon. Members on this side of the House agree with me in regard to it. But, considering the condition of Public Business, and that the £100 tenancies are, probably without exception, included among those holdings managed upon the English principle, the exemption of which was brought a few days ago before the Committee by my hon. Friend the Member for Great Grimsby (Mr. Heneage), I do not propose again to raise the question of their exemption, considering that the Committee has already expressed its opinion about it. Should I desire again to touch the question, a fitting opportunity can, no doubt, be found on the Report upon a general survey of the provisions of the Bill.