§ SELECT COMMITTEE—Turnpike Acts Continuance Act, 1880–81, appointed.
§ WAYS AND MEANS—considered in Committee—Financial Statement of the Chancellor of the Exchequer—The Resolutions.
§ PUBLIC BILLS—Ordered—Whiteboy Acts Repeal*.
§ Ordered—First Reading—Local Government Provisional Orders (Bath, &c.)* [131]; Local Government (Highways) Provisional Order (York)* [132].
§ Second Reading—Referred to Select Committee—Conveyancing and Law of Property [101].
§ Select Committee—Report—Tramways (Ireland) Acts Amendment [No. 156].
§ Committee—Married Women's Property (Scotland) (re-comm.) [128]—R.P.
§ Considered as amended—Third Reading—Army Discipline and Regulation (Annual) [123], and passed.
§ Third Reading—Inclosure Provisional Order (Beamsley Moor)* [112]; Inclosure Provisional Order (Langbar Moor)* [111], and passed.