HC Deb 07 July 1879 vol 247 c1715

asked the Secretary to the Treasury, Whether his attention has been called to the loss incurred by a firm engaged in the herring trade, in consequence of a number of barrels of herrings which had received the brand having been rejected as unfit for food; and, whether directions would be given to the Scotch Fishery Board to insist upon greater care on the part of its officials?


My attention was called to the case referred to; but as it appeared, on inquiry, that the herrings had been branded and exported five months before complaint was made against them, and that there was nothing to show what treatment they had received during these five months, I considered there was no ground for imputing carelessness to the officials who had affixed the brand. I am assured by the Board of Fisheries that every care is taken to test the quality of the herrings that are branded; and I do not think the facts of the case to which the hon. Member refers are such as to call for a special order to the officials.