HC Deb 06 August 1879 vol 249 c289

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Whether he has yet received authentic information as to the Marriage Law of France affecting the intermarriages between French men and English women solemnized in this Country; and, whether he is able to state what steps he will take to secure that information shall be given to persons proposing to contract such marriages as to the conditions under which alone they will be recognized as valid in France?


in reply, said, that he had not yet received from the Foreign Office any formal notification of what the law actually was; but he had received a communication from the French Embassy, which assured him that if a marriage contracted between a French man and English woman, according to the law of the place, were registered at the French Consulate in England, that marriage would be valid in France under all circumstances. Until he received formal information from the Foreign Office, however, he could not take any steps to make this information general.