HC Deb 07 April 1879 vol 245 c445

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies, Whether his attention has been directed to the reports of the disaffection which is said to exist among the Fingoes, the Basutoes, and other native tribes; whether there is any reason to believe that these tribes have been irritated by the manner in which the Cape Government has carried out the policy of disarmament; and, whether he will lay upon the Table the Correspondence on the subject which he may have received from the Colony?


The official communications which I have received do not indicate any serious disaffection among the Natives generally at the Cape, although there has been some disturbance in Basutoland, which I believe is likely to be soon quelled. This does not appear, however, to have arisen from the policy of disarmament. With regard to the Fingoes, as soon as the news of the disaster at Isandlana was known a meeting was held expressing the deep regret of the inhabitants of Fingoland at the news, and assuring the High Commissioner of their unflinching loyalty to the Queen, and their anxiety to be of any use should their services be required by the Government. Any Papers bearing on the subject which have not been already published will be presented.