HC Deb 18 January 1878 vol 237 cc156-7

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland, If he can state what course Her Majesty's Government intend to pursue with reference to the question of Sunday Closing in Ireland?


Sir, I observe that the hon. Member for Roscommon (the O'Conor Don) has already given Notice of his intention to move for leave to introduce a Bill on this subject. If the provisions of that Bill are identical with those of the measure brought in last Session by the hon. Member for Londonderry County (Mr. E. Smyth.), Her Majesty's Government will be prepared to take the same course with regard, to it as they took last year. They will support its earlier stages, but reserve to themselves the right to move such Amendments as may appear advisable in Committee. I cannot doubt that the hon. Member for Roscommon will take every means in his power to secure opportunities for the discussion of his Bill by the House; but, if necessary, the Government will be prepared to aid him in obtaining greater facilities for this purpose, with the view of securing, so far as we are able, that a settlement of the question shall be arrived at this Session, and shall not be delayed, as was the case last year, from want of time.