§ MR. E. JENKINSSir, I wish to direct attention to the Motion of the hon. Member (Mr. Blake), and to ask you, Mr. Speaker, Whether, as the terms of the Motion contain imputations upon the conduct of an hon. Member, and would involve serious consequences, inasmuch as if the House concurred it would involve a direct Vote of Censure, and as the appearance of the Motion day 829 after day upon the Notice Paper could not but be painful to the feelings of the hon. Member concerned, and also having regard to certain precedents which, however, it would be unnecessary to cite, whether this is not a Motion of that character, which, as a matter of Privilege, ought to take precedence of the other Orders of the Day?
§ MR. SPEAKERThe hon. Member asks whether the Question of which the hon. Member for Leominster (Mr. Blake) has given Notice is of such a character that it ought to be dealt with as a question of Privilege. The House is aware that, according to the general practice of the House, no question of this character is dealt with as a matter of Privilege unless it is urgent in point of time, and directly affects the Privileges of this House or of Members of this House. The Notice of the hon. Member for Leominster challenges two statements alleged to have been made by the hon. Member for Meath (Mr. Parnell), one on the 21st of April, and the other on the 20th of June last. It appears to me that this Question, having regard to the question of time, cannot be regarded as a question of Privilege, because it is not urgent in point of time; but if the House should think fit to entertain the Motion at once as a matter of Privilege, the subject is one which would warrant that course.
§ MR. BLAKEI wish to ask you, Sir, if it is competent for the Motion which stands in my name to be then discussed with the consent of the House? It is true that some time has elapsed since the speeches referred to were made, but they are still in circulation in the newspapers. I think it is a matter that should be considered by Parliament as early as possible.
§ MR. PARNELLI rise to Order, Mr. Speaker. Perhaps I may be allowed to say that if it is thought desirable by the House that I should make an explanation in reference to either of the speeches referred to, I do not wish |in any way to stand in the way of the House in getting that explanation.
§ MR. SPEAKERI must inform the hon. Member that it is irregular to discuss the Motion of the hon. Member for Leominster unless the House should have previously signified its pleasure that it should be discussed as a question of Privilege.
§ MR. NEWDEGATEI ask the hon. Member whether he thinks in his own mind that it can be brought forward and treated as a matter of Privilege?