§ Mr. STACPOOLEasked the Secretary of State for War, When he will be prepared to state his intentions with reference to an assimilation of the offices of Principal Veterinary Surgeon and the head of the Medical Department as regards period of service and retirement; and, whether he contemplates any other steps whereby both the pay 620 of Army Veterinary Surgeons may be increased and the path to promotion opened up to them?
Mr. GATHORNE HARDY, in reply, said, the subject mentioned in the Question of the hon. Gentleman was under consideration. There were, however, very great difficulties in the way. In consequence of the enormous amount of work the actuary had in hand he (Mr. Gathorne Hardy) could not fix a time for dealing with the question; but he was most anxious that the Army Veterinary department should be put in a more satisfactory state, especially as regarded the term for which the principal veterinary surgeon should hold his appointment.