HC Deb 10 August 1876 vol 231 cc973-4

asked the Secretary to the Treasury, Whether he is aware that the Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland have inserted in the public papers an advertisement proposing to let for a term of at least seventy-five years Whitefield Lodge and grounds, which are stated in the advertisement to form a portion of the north end of the Phœnix Park, and to contain about three acres of land; whether he will explain the circumstances under which this alienation of a portion of the Phœnix Park is proposed; and, whether the sanction of the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland has been given to the proposal?


Before the hon. Gentleman answers the Question, I should like to ask whether his attention has been called to the fact that some portion of the property has been let out for milch cows?


, in reply, said, he was aware that the Office of Works in Dublin proposed to let Whitefield House. It had been formerly the residence of the late bailiff of the Park, who had a salary of £250 a-year, and it was considered advisable to provide for his successor a more suitable residence. He would inquire whether the opinion of the Law Officers of the Crown had been taken in the matter, but he believed the transaction had met the full approval of the Irish Government. He would inform himself further as to the affair, and would afterwards communicate with the hon. Member.