HC Deb 23 March 1875 vol 223 c223

asked the Under Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, Whether any proposal has been made for a Conference, like that of 1871, on the question now pending between Turkey and the three Powers of Austria, Germany, and Russia as to the right of the Principalities of Moldau-Wallachia and Servia to negotiate Treaties independently of the Ottoman Porte; and, if any such proposal is on foot, whether the Papers on the subject in dispute, promised by the Secretary of State, will be laid before Parliament at the earliest convenient date?


, in reply, said, that the idea of a Conference was at one time mooted by the Porte, but it led to no practical results. There was no such question at present before the Courts of Europe; and it was not desirable therefore for the present to lay any Papers on the subject on the Table.