§ MR. RICHARDasked the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies, Whether he is able to communicate the nature of the reply that has been received from the Cape Government to Lord Carnarvon's last Despatch, proposing that the Colonial Legislature should be asked to grant special powers for the location of Langalibalele within the limits of the Colony?
§ MR. J. LOWTHERSir, the most convenient form in which I can reply to the Question of the hon. Gentleman will perhaps be if I read, with the permission of the House, the Minute addressed by the Colonial Secretary of the Cape to Sir Henry Barkly, the Governor of that Colony—
Colonial Secretary's Office, Cape Town,March 22, 1875.Minute,—Ministers having considered Lord Carnarvon's despatch, No. 19, of the 15th ultimo, on the subject of the disposal of Langalibalele and his son, beg that it may please your Excellency to assure the Secretary of State for the Colonies of their earnest desire to render their assistance, in so far as is compatible with the interests of the Colony, in finding a satisfactory solution of the difficulty in which all parties now find themselves placed. With this object in view a Bill will be prepared and submitted to the Legislature soon after the commencement of the next Session on the 14th proximo for repealing Act No. 3 of 1874, and substituting other provisions for the detention of Langalibalele and his son within certain limits on the mainland of the Colony, and for carrying out in other respects the desire of the Imperial Government in his case.—(Signed) J. C. MOLTENO.