§ MR. GOURLEYasked the President of the Board of Trade, When he expects that the amended Merchant Shipping Acts Amendment Bill will be in the hands of Members; and, whether he intends proceeding with it on Monday next; and, if not, if he can name a day?
§ SIR CHARLES ADDERLEYI had hoped to be able to reply that the reprint of the Merchant Shipping Bill would be out to-morrow morning. It will, however, take a day or two more to correct the proof, as I have tried, as far as possible, to insert such Amendments of hon. Members as I could wholly or partially adopt. The Government are anxious to proceed with this Bill in Committee as soon as possible, and, when it comes on, to proceed with it continuously till it gets through. It certainly cannot come on next Monday, more time must be allowed after its reprinting, and the Government nights are full till Whitsuntide. I hope it may be one of the first Bills after Whitsuntide, and on Monday next I hope to be able to name the day.