HC Deb 16 July 1874 vol 221 c120

asked the Chief Commissioner of Works, Whether the subject of freeing from toll the Government bridge leading to Battersea Park is under the consideration of the Office of Works, either as standing by itself or in connection with any scheme of the Metropolitan Board for freeing other metropolitan bridges; and, whether the promise of the Office of Works to plant the vacant space within Battersea Park, on the west side of that park, is to be carried out?


Sir, my attention has been called by my hon. Friend the Member for Mid-Surrey (Sir Henry Peek) to the desirability of freeing Chelsea Bridge from toll. The question is a difficult one, but I hope the difficulty may not prove insuperable. I have had no communication on this subject from the Metropolitan Board of Works; but I shall be happy to consider any proposal which my hon. and gallant Friend the Chairman (Sir James Hogg) may feel himself in a position to make on this subject. With regard to the second part of the Question, if the hon. Baronet turns to the Estimates of this year he will find that I have caused provision to be made in the Vote for Royal Parks, &c., for the present year for forming and planting the empty space of ground on the west boundary of Battersea Park between the gymnasium and the West Lodge. The work is in hand as far as the formation of the ground is concerned, and the planting will be commenced in the autumn