HC Deb 04 July 1872 vol 212 c640

In reply to Mr. RYLANDS,


said, he shared the feeling which he believed was entertained by many Gentlemen to put forward this Bill; but in the present state of business the Government did not think it would be in their power to apportion any part of the time at their command to its consideration.


asked the hon. Member for Taunton, what course he proposes to pursue in relation to the Corrupt Practices at Municipal Elections Bill, if the Government are unable to give him a day?


said, the Bill had several times been on the Paper and no Notice of any Amendment had been given. He was not aware of any objection to any of the clauses. He would put the Bill down for this day week, and if any hon. Member expressed a desire to have it modified he would alter it, and then leave it to the House to say whether it might not go into Committee.