§ MR. W. H. SMITHasked the First Commissioner of Works, When it is intended, under the powers of the Act 30 and 31 Vic. c. 40, authorizing the Commissioners of Works
to acquire lands and to construct an embankment for the security of the Houses of Parliament, and for the improvement of the approaches thereto,to proceed with the removal of the houses which have been purchased, and are now in the possession of the Office of Works, and with the construction of the embankment; and, whether there is any truth in the report that the Office of Works contemplate the delay or suspension of the works authorized by the Act, and the reletting of the buildings which they have acquired under its powers?
§ MR. AYRTON, in reply, said, he was not aware that Her Majesty's Government had arrived at any determination to take down the houses in question. No steps of that kind could be taken, and no new works undertaken, unless Estimates for that purpose were laid on the Table of the House. In the Estimates of the year there was no proposal of that nature, and therefore nothing could be done during the present financial year. Until the houses referred to were pulled down they would be turned to the best account for the public service.