HC Deb 05 June 1871 vol 206 cc1532-3

asked the Lord Advocate, Whether his attention has been turned to an Amendment made in the Lords on the Bank Holidays Bill, which will introduce into Scotland certain holidays not hitherto known in that part of the kingdom, and not contemplated by this House when it passed the Bill; whether his Lordship, before the Lords Amendments were considered and adopted on Friday night without notice, was consulted by any person responsible for the conduct of business, as to the effect of that Amendment in Scotland, and its accord with Scottish principles and wants; whether his Lordship had any opportunity to arrange the postponement of the consideration of that Amendment in order to give Members time to ascertain the wishes of Scottish merchants and the Scottish people; and, whether his Lordship intends to take steps to obtain for this House an opportunity of re-considering the question that has been raised and settled by that Amendment, and to prevent surprises so far as they affect Scotland?


, in reply, said, that his attention had been directed to the subject. He was quite aware that the Amendment in question was introduced in the other House by a noble Lord with whom the principal Scotch bankers were in communication, to whom he believed that it was entirely satisfactory. He had no intention of interfering.


asked if the Lord Advocate would take steps to prevent Amendments being thus introduced by surprise in future?


said, that he was not aware that there had been any "surprise" in the matter. The Amendment was introduced in the usual manner. No doubt the consideration of it in that House had been taken at a late hour in the evening; but all the hon. Members interested in the subject were quite informed that such would be the case.

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