§ MR. J. B. SMITHasked the Postmaster General, Whether he would state the reasons which have induced him to contract with the North German Lloyd's Company for the conveyance of mails to Colon, Puerto Cabello, &c., at the rate of 2s. 6d. per ounce, the rate of postage to the United States being 3d. per half ounce; and if he will inform the House the proposed rate of postage for letters weighing half an ounce conveyed by the North German Lloyd's Company?
§ MR. MONSELLsaid, in reply, that a contract had been made with the North German Lloyd's Company for the conveyance of mails to the above places, by which they would receive the sea post, amounting to 10d. for each letter, or 2s. 6d. per ounce for three letters, the rate of postage being at present 1s. for every letter. If, instead of giving subsidies, the Government could make similar arrangements with regard to all letters, there would be a saving of about £400,000 a year.