HC Deb 08 August 1870 vol 203 c1689

I beg, Sir, to ask the First Lord of the Treasury, Whether he will undertake that any further Papers, with reference to the War, shall be communicated to Parliament in time to allow of a discussion on their contents before the Prorogation?


Sir, it would be very difficult for me to promise absolutely that further Papers with respect to the War should be communicated to Parliament in time to allow of discussion before the Prorogation, if the arrangements as to the Prorogation should be finally confirmed to-morrow. According to the state of Business, it appears that the Prorogation may, in the natural course, be on Wednesday. It is very possible that we may be able to lay Papers on the Table to-morrow; and, with the permission of the House, after the Questions are concluded, I will endeavour to state, as exactly as I can, what has occurred so far as the Government are concerned, and then hon. Gentlemen present will be able to judge.