§ MR. SARTORISsaid, he wished to ask the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies, Have orders been sent to New Zealand recalling the 18th Regiment; and, if so, when is the Regiment to leave the Colony; and, can the Governor of New Zealand, notwithstanding the order of recall, if sent, retain the troops, should he consider their removal at the time ordered likely to 676 cause the extension of the present disturbances; and, if so, for what time and upon what conditions?
§ MR. MONSELL, in reply, stated that orders had been sent for the recall of the 18th Regiment, which was to leave New Zealand in May next. When that regiment left there would be no Imperial troops in the colony. In reply to the second part of the Question, he had to state that the Governor of New Zealand could not retain the troops, as the instructions given to the Governor were definite and precise, and without limitations or conditions.