§ MR. SAMUELSONsaid, he wished to ask the Vice-President of the Committee of Council on Education, What is the cause of the continued delay in the production of the information received from our Legations abroad on Scientific Instruction in foreign countries?
§ LORD ROBERT MONTAGU, in reply, said, the delay complained of arose from the immense mass of matter to be translated. As soon as the translations were prepared, they were forwarded to the Foreign Office, in which Department the responsibility of printing the papers rested.
§ MR. SAMUELSONsaid, he would like to know if any delay had arisen in the Foreign Office?
LORD STANLEYdid not know, but would make inquiry as to the fact. He believed the fact to be that a large portion of these Papers were already in print.
§ MR. W. E. FORSTERsaid, he would beg to ask, If the Reports received from the Secretaries of Legation could not be laid on the Table at once, leaving the other documents to follow as soon as ready?
§ LORD ROBERT MONTAGUsaid, there could be no objection to this being done. He believed that 260 pages had already been printed.