§ (Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir George Grey, Mr. Villiers.)
§ Order for Committee read.
THE CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUER saidThere has been an understanding in the House that eleven o'clock should be the limit beyond which we should not proceed with these Bills. We have endeavoured to bring these measures on, but the fates have been against us. I am sorry that we have just passed that hour, and I have only to move that the order be postponed until Monday.
§ MR. BOVILLasked whether any further information was likely to be laid on the table of the House with respect to the 84 franchise portion of the Reform Bill and also with reference to the enfranchisement and disfranchisement clauses.
THE CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUERsaid, he was not aware that there was any intention on the part of the Government to present any further information. The Returns moved for by hon. Members were not prepared in his Department. The question of the hon. Member might be addressed to the heads of the Departments who would produce those Returns, or if a specific question were addressed to himself he would cause inquires to be made.
§ Committee deferred till Monday next.