HC Deb 03 August 1866 vol 184 c2035

said, he would beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, Whether it is not a case of great hardship and injustice that the expense of the repair of those Turnpike Roads whose Trusts are placed in the Schedule of the Continuance Bill of this Session should be thrown on the parishes through which those roads may happen to pass, without relief or compensation; and, whether the Government will not take it into consideration during the recess whether they may not be able to propose some measure to Parliament next Session which may have the object of remedying some of the evils so loudly complained of on this subject?


Sir, in some of the cases to which my hon. Friend refers no doubt hardship arises, while in others there is, I believe, none at all. The matter, however, is one of considerable importance, and I shall take care in the course of the autumn to look into the matter.