HC Deb 06 April 1865 vol 178 c783

said, he rose to ask the President of the Board of Trade, Whether the works at Port Patrick Harbour are still going on, or whether they are in abeyance; in the event of their being stopped, when it is intended to resume them, and when it is supposed they may be completed; and whether he will state what sum up to the present date has been expended on the Port Patrick Harbour works, and what further amount it is estimated may be incurred for their completion?


in reply, said, the works at Port Patrick Harbour were going on, and it was believed that they would be completed by October next. It was believed also that steamers would be able to use the harbour. The sum expended up to the 1st of March last was £35,733. A further expenditure would be necessary to complete the works of £9,882, and in addition to that there was a claim made by a contractor which, though not admitted, might be the subject of litigation, and which might lead, if the decision were against the Government, to a further payment of £5,000 or £6,000.