§ — SUPPLY — Resolutions [June 6] reported.
§ PUBLIC BILLS—Ordered— County Constabulary Superannuation*; Game (Ireland) (No. 2)*.
§ First Reading—Uniformity Act Amendment* [Bill 134]; Superannuations (Union Officers)* [Bill 133]; County Constabulary Superannuation* [Bill 136]; Railway Travelling (Ireland)* [Bill 137]: Justices of the Peace Procedure* [Bill 138]; Municipal Corporations (Ireland)* [Bill 139]; Game (Ireland),No.2)* [Bill 140].
§ Second Reading — Intoxicating Liquors [Bill 44] negatived; Valuation of Lands and Heritages (Scotland) Act Amendment [Bill 81], Debate adjourned; Sale of Gas (Scotland)* [Bill 125].
§ Report of Select Committee — Thames Conservancy Bill* (Nos. 373 & 136).
§ Third Reading—Railway Companies' Powers* [Bill 110]; Chief Rents (Ireland) (Lords)* [Bill 117], and passed.