HC Deb 14 April 1864 vol 174 c966

said, he would beg to ask the Secretary of State for the Home Department, If he has yet approved the proposed bye-laws for the City of London, and especially if he intended to sanction bye-law No. 12, which virtually proposes to withhold the common-law right of way through the principal streets of the City from dealers in fruit, fish, and vegetables!


replied, that the bye-laws made by the City had not yet been approved, and for this reason, that a question arose as to whether some of them were not in excess of the powers given by the Act of Parliament. Upon the City authorities being informed of the doubt existing on the subject, they took the opinion of their own Law Officers, who reported that the bye-laws were within the powers of the Acts. So much doubt existed, however, on the subject, that he had thought it right to submit the question to the Law Officers of the Crown, and it was now under their consideration?