§ MR. ARTHUR MILLSsaid, he wished to ask the Under Secretary of State for the Colonies, Whether any Memorials or Petitions have been recently addressed to Her Majesty's Government by the inhabitants of British Kaffraria respecting the proposed annexation of that Province to the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope; and, if so, whether there will be any objection to lay such Documents upon the table of the House?
§ MR. CHICHESTER FORTESCUEsaid, in reply, that certain petitions had been received praying that British Kaffraria might not be annexed to the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope, but it was considered that it was but a small community and not old enough to judge for itself in tins matter. The Governor of the Cape of Good Hope was taking measures for annexing that community to the Colony. Under present circumstances it was not advisable to produce the correspondence.