§ SIR STAFFORD NORTHCOTEsaid, he wished to ask Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, What arrangements have been made for the discharge in the Outports of those duties which were formerly performed by the Controllers, whose offices are now abolished; and whether provision has been made for employing the Controllers whose services have been dispensed 1285 with upon duties as nearly as possible analogous to those which they have previously had to perform, and for securing to them their fair chance of promotion to superior situations as they may fall vacant?
§ THE CHANCELLOR OF THE EXCHEQUERsaid, that his hon. Friend was aware that the particular duties which were formerly discharged by those officers—namely, to keep duplicate cash books, in which entries were made of the payments and receipts which came into the hands of the collectors, had been abolished; and a simpler form substituted by means of the clerks at the outports, and the principal check was through the Controller General and the chief clerks in the London district. Since their dismissal arrangements had been made for the employment of some as collectors, some as clerks, some in other capacities, while some had retired on compensation. Where any had been transferred to offices lower in rank, it had been at the same salary, and always with their own consent. There were, however, a certain number on the redundant list, and he thought it would be impossible to employ all; but he could safely say that every effort was being made to reduce the number on that list.