HC Deb 18 April 1861 vol 162 c717

said, he rose to ask the Chief Secretary for Ireland, Whether it is the intention of the Government to introduce during the present Session any measure for the better regulation of Irish Fisheries?


said, that he had, at the commencement of last year, introduced a consolidated measure on the subject of fisheries, with the view of having it printed and circulated; but he had since been in correspondence with the Commissioners of Fisheries, and that they had informed him that a large number of suggestions had been made to them, some of which appeared to them worthy of consideration. Mr. Fennell, who had acted on the Commission which had just presented so valuable a Report with regard to the fisheries in this country, was, he might add, of opinion that the Bill which he was preparing for England had better be brought under the notice of the House before a Consolidating Bill for Ireland was introduced. Under these circumstances, he could not say that he should be enabled to bring in a Bill for Ireland during the present Session.